Serena Williams' Husband, Alexis Reacts to the Retirement News of His Wife

The husband of Serena Williams, Alexis Ohanian has reacted to the news of his wife announcing her retirement.

The former world number 1 female tennis player, announced her retirement plans on the official Instagram account on Tuesday, August 9th, 2022. Alexis posted a picture of Serena on his official Instagram account with the caption "And your story is just starting".
The 40-year-old has given a hint to the tennis world that the end is near in her tennis career. The American while she was speaking with Vogue said she is moving toward other important things but she has insisted she does not like the word retirement.
I'm gonna relish these next few weeks. Unfortunately, I wasn't ready to win Wimbledon this year. And I don't know if I will be ready to win New York. But I'm going to try. I know there's a fan fantasy that I might have tied Margaret that day in London, then maybe beat her record in New York, and then at the trophy ceremony say, "See ya. I get that. It's a good fantasy. But I'm not looking for some ceremonial, final on-court moment. I'm terrible at goodbyes, the world's worst. But please know that I am more grateful for you than I can ever express in words.
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Serena gave tennis lovers 27 years of wonderful tennis while on the court and won 23 Grand Slam titles during that period. The supporters of Serena Williams will hope she gets her 24th Grand slam when she partakes in the US Open.